Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm moving again

I decided to move my blog -- AGAIN!

I you have this page bookmarked, then go to, and bookmark it again. Or you can always just type in

There are a bunch of reasons I'm changing. For the past six months I've been using Blogger, a free service from Google. I always knew it would be sort of temporary and I find that it is pretty limiting. I also discovered a great new theme called "Imprezz," designed by Gopal Raju from ProductiveDreams, that will give my new blog a great look. This one will still be around if you want to see something from the past, in the meantime, I'll see you at my new place!

Invisible Movie Hint

This week's Invisible Movie is a 1996 comedy. It is a remake of a 1963 film starring the legendary comedian who is sometimes referred to as the "King of Comedy." Incidentally, the legend who played the lead in the original, was also a producer of the '96 remake.

Simply identify the movie and turn it in with your first answer at Trivia for five bonus points.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Great Openings Music Trivia Podcast 045

This episode of my podcast features the songs and clues from our live Music and Entertainment Trivia shows over Memorial Day weekend. Can you identify the song and the artist after hearing only the opening notes? And as always I pass along some trivia about each of our featured classics; nuggets of information about how they came to be written or recorded, about the artist or something unusual that you’re sure to find interesting.

To hear it, use the player in the column to the right (Click on the PLAY arrow)

or download it here:
Download to Windows Media Player, I-Pod or favorite music player

Here are the Shownotes and Answers


Sunday, May 24, 2009

No Memorial Day Trivia at Wings & Things

I've got the night off!

Wings & Things in Fayetteville is closed for the Memorial Day holiday, so we won't be doing trivia there this week. We'll be back next Monday night to resume our regular schedule.

See everyone next week!

Invisible Movie Hint

This week's invisible movie was a 1994 drama/horror which starred a cast that included Cruise, Pitt, Banderas, and Dunst. It's based on a 1976 novel by Howard Allen O'Brien, which is the unusual birth name of an author whose pen name is much more well known.

As a bit of trivia about this movie, despite its success, Johnny Depp, Daniel Day-Lewis, Jeremy Irons, Val Kilmer and John Travolta all turned down the opportunity to play a role in the film.

Simply identify the movie and turn it in with your first answer at Trivia for five bonus points.

Friday Fun Site: I Love Traffic

If you're like me, you've often found yourself yelling at traffic engineers and wondering what they were thinking when they configured traffic lights. It seems like they purposely time the lights to be as inconvenient as possible.

Well here's your chance to try your hand. In this game the object is to change the traffic lights at the right time to avoid accidents. I failed miserably.

Here's the link

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday Night Trivia at Wings & Things

Monday Night I'll be hosting trivia, as usual at Wings & Things in Fayetteville. If you can be there to play, join us by way of our live webcast starting at 7:00. See it here, or go to my live page and chat.