Saturday, January 31, 2009

Great Openings Music Trivia Podcast 039

I'm finally back with another episode of the Great Openings Music Trivia Podcast. Theses are the clues and featured songs from Saturday's Music & Entertainment Bonus and this week we have a theme: all of our groups or artists have something in common in their name. Plus, I pass along some trivia about each of our featured classics; nuggets of information about the show, or how the theme came to be written or recorded, about the artist or something unusual that you’re sure to find interesting. Answers and shownotes here


Download to Windows Media Player, I-Pod or favorite music player

Friday Fun Site: 2 Wires

One of the things I missed when my blog was down was posting a Friday Fun Site. I've been featuring these for about two years on "most" Fridays. They're usually interactive, entertaining web sites that might be little games, or something else unusual. But they are almost always fun, of course.

This week's is called "2 Wires." The limpy character is dressed a lot like Spiderman and your job is to help him negotiate a landscape of crudely painted buildings using wires that squirt from his wrists. I didn't do well, but that's not suprising.

Find it here

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Introducing the new Wings & Thing's trophy

Last Monday we unveiled the new rotating trophy for our winning teams. The old one had just gotten too big and we had to retire it. For now, the old trophy is on display at Wings & Things in the bar area.

Thanks to Albee from Just Us for the trophy he donated. We had it updated with a new year and a custom front plate to really make it "official."

Our first winners of the new trophy: The Snamish! Congratulations.

Invisible Movie Hint

This week's Invisible movie is a classic from 1976. The big clue in this screenshot is the meat carcasses hanging in the background that our hero is about to beat the heck out of with his fists. That should pretty much give it away.

As a bit of trivia, the movie was made for only $1.1 million and shot in just 28 days. But it ended up a hit earning over $117 million, and winning three Oscars, including Best Picture.

Simply identify the movie and turn it in with your first answer at Trivia for five bonus points.

I'm back!

Most of my readers know the story by now. Over New Year's weekend, my blog crashed and I couldn't get it back online. The past couple weeks, I've tried to find a few minutes to get it back up, and now we're here. But unfortunately, all of the posts and comments from the old blog are not. I did have them backed-up, but importing them into the new blog will take time. In the meantime, I'll start posting regularly, and we'll see you at Trivia!